We are excited to have completed our amazing school curriculum development project. In 2021, we reimagined our curriculum vision and planning, creating new and exciting topics, ensuring the highest quality of teaching and learning, whilst also paying careful attention to the impact of the unprecedented circumstances our children have faced over the last few years.
At the heart of our curriculum and threaded throughout, are purposeful and memorable life and learning experiences in (and for) the community and environment. Explore our curriculum map or community page to find out more... Classrooms don't have to have walls!
Click here for a snapshot of 2021-22 and here for details of our recovery curriculum.
Below, check out our, unique 2-4 year rolling long term plans below. You will find overviews for Early Years, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. Our curriculum ensures seamless progression for your child's entire learning journey in school! If you require any further information about our curriculum, please contact us.
Each of our topics lead to real-life, memorable projects for our children, local community, region, country or the wider world. Click here to explore just some of the amazing projects our children have experienced!