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Captain Shaw's C of E Primary School

The School at the Heart of the Community

Home Page

Captain Shaw's C of E Primary School

The School at the Heart of the Community

Vision & Values


Serve the Common Good


Seek what is best for everyone, beginning with the last, the least, the lost, the most vulnerable and the most forgotten.


Captain Shaw's CE Primary School may be little but our dreams are big! We want to make every experience worthwhile for every child, every day. We are a part of their journey and, as such, endeavour to do our utmost to ensure each child fulfils their academic, personal and spiritual potential and succeeds beyond our school and far into the future.


​Our mission is supported by our exciting and thought-provoking curriculum experiences and underpinned with moments of collective worship, which offer reflection and promote mental and spiritual wellbeing.


Our church, our community and our school are a family and we look after each other, child and adult alike.



