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Captain Shaw's C of E Primary School

The School at the Heart of the Community

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Captain Shaw's C of E Primary School

The School at the Heart of the Community

Community Field


Developing our field for the benefit of the school and community 


We are committed to providing the absolute best for our school and community in Bootle. Part of this drive has been realised through our development plans for the community field. In phase 1, children designed and pitched for an adventure area... click the image below to see the results!

However, we were certainly not finished there! We have also installed a fantastic assault course which stretches around the perimeter of the field (including a gigantic solar-powered stopwatch to track your progress)!

We also recognised there was a real need to provide quality play equipment for our youngest too. Many thanks to those who completed the questionnaire below, to support the application to Lottery Community Fund!

Our Lottery Fund application was submitted and we were so pleased to announce that, based on our application and the questionnaires you completed, The Lottery agreed to fund our project for creating a play area for our younger children of Bootle on the school field. We received a fantastic £9995 and I am now pleased to announce the equipment has been build and officially 'ready for play'!


Many thanks for your continued support
